In Atlas every project goes through a life cycle which consists of multiple phases, which are called Reporting Stages (or Calculated Reporting Stages). When a project is created, it automatically enters the first stage, named Identified. Upon completion of the linked milestones, the project will get promoted to the next stage, called Qualified, and so on.

As an admin, you can rename the display name of these stages during the initial setup of Atlas. For example, in the above image, you can rename the Display Name from Identified to Identified Lead, or to anything that suits you. You can also remove a certain reporting stage by unchecking the Is Active checkbox on the right side.

The Official Reporting Stage differs from the other Calculated Reporting Stages as it is a manual reporting stage dropdown. Users can manually select and update the project’s Reporting Stage screen. You can choose to use any or both the reporting stages.

To save your changes, click on the Save Changes button on the top right corner. In case you do not want to make changes to the reporting stages, you can just skip this screen.

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