
Atlas allows you to create checklist templates for multiple processes within the organization. As in other admin screens, you can create templates, delete or clone them.

Adding and Editing Checklist Template

Next to Checklist Template Name, click on the dropdown menu and select Add New Template

Rename the checklist template by clicking on the edit icon next to the Checklist Template Name dropdown menu. A new window will open, make the changes and click OK

You can further clone and delete templates, by clicking on the respective icons.

It is also possible to download a checklist Excel template by clicking on Export. Fill out the Excel spreadsheet and upload it into Atlas by clicking Upload and selecting your file.

Adding and Editing Checklist Item

Once a template is created, you can click on Add New Checklist Item to add new rows in the template.

Rename the checklist item by clicking into the row. 


 Change the constraint by clicking on the dropdown and choosing your constraint.

Select the project role to define who will be responsible for this checklist. For example, if you choose the Asset Manager role for this checklist line item and apply this template on a project, then whoever is on that role in the project will get assigned to the checklist item.  

Once all the changes are done you must click on Save Changes. A template cannot be deleted, and checklist line items cannot be removed or added, while a template is in use in any project.

Changing Checklist Roles

  1. Go to Settings > Configure > Checklist Builder


  1. The checklist builder will open. Select the checklist you want to work on. Then move over to the role of the checklist item you want to change. Click the dropdown menu and change the new role. Click Save Changes in the top right corner.




  1. Refresh your projects tab to see the changes. 

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