Admins and users who have Upload Manager security permission will be able to use this feature. You can bulk upload COGS dates and milestones, and create projects in bulk using Excel template files.

After clicking on the COGS menu item under Upload, a popup will appear which allows you to download the Excel template.


In the Excel template you can upload a maximum of 10 projects' COGS data. Start by replacing the project numbers XX-XX-XXXX with the actual project numbers, i.e. CA-20-0043. Then update the $ amount or the per Watt rate, and the comments for these COGS Level-4 line items. The greyed out areas should not be updated. Atlas will only use rows with data in them, and it will ignore empty rows. Once all data is updated and saved in the Excel template, you can browse for the file and click on the OK button to upload the data.

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