This article describes the integration of Box with Atlas.
Step by Step Guide
*Steps provided are updated based upon demo/developer account but you should be using your Box account.
1. Log into your Box account
2. Choose on Dev Console
3. Click on Create New App
4. A TestApp will appear, go ahead and click on it
5. Note down the “Shared Folder ID” for later use
6. Note down the Client ID and Client Secret for later use
7. Add the Redirect URI: https://atlas.ftcsolar.com/AtlasWeb/AuthCodePage.aspx
8. Go to All Files to view uploaded files.
9. Go to Atlas > Settings > Configure > Document Repository.
a.) Select Box and enter the Client ID, Client Secret Key and Shared Folder ID.
b.) Click on Generate Auth Code, and on Generate Token
c.) Click on Validate and the Save button