This article describes the integration of Egnyte and Atlas.
Step by Step Guide
*Steps provided are updated based upon demo/developer account but you should be using your Egnyte account.
1. Sign into https://apidemo.egnyte.com when using a test account, or into https://developers.egnyte.com when using a developer account
2. Go to Files > Shared and create a shared folder
3. Generate access token via this link: https://developers.egnyte.com/io-docs
4. Note down the Folder Path Eg: Shared/sraj8Atlas for later use
5. Note down the Client ID and Access Token for later use
6. Note down the Domain https://apidemo.egnyte.com for later use
7. Go to Atlas > Settings > Configure > Document Repository, and select Egnyte. Enter the following information: Domain, Client ID, Folder Path and Access Token). Click on the Validate button, and then click on the Save Changes button