
        This article describes how to configure Project Variance Report (PVR) Settings.


  • Configure PVR Settings
  • Introduction to PVR

Configure PVR Settings

Go to Settings > Configure > PVR Settings.

A window will open. Only 18 columns are allowed. 8 columns are predetermined. You can delete the others, or add more columns by clicking on add column. Further, choose the milestone type from the dropdown menu, as well as the year range. In the box below you can choose between the calculated reporting stage and the official reporting stage. When done, click on Save Changes in the top right corner.

Introduction to PVR


Under Reports > Project Variance Report (PVR) you can compares current data with previously entered data. PVR offers two views. The main view is called Overview, it shows charts comparing data from different times. You can also filter the data by country, demand type and reporting stages.


You can select and view different snapshots from the dropdown option. By default a monthly snapshot is taken on the 1st of every month. As an Atlas admin, you can create manual snapshots of data, rename and delete a snapshot, and change configurations by using the options menu.


The variance section of the PVR report compares some of the key data points, and the variance between them.

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