Go to Settings > Configure > Data Quality Dashboard to edit the Data Quality Dashboard.
Add and Delete Column
You can add up to 20 columns to the Data Quality Dashboard. Project # and Project Name are predetermined. Simply click on Add Column in the top left. A window will open, search for the column, click on the checkbox you wish to include in the dashboard and click OK.
To delete a column, click on the red x on the right side of the column, and click on Save Changes in the top right of the screen.
Project Health Settings
If you click on Project Health Settings in the top left, the following window will appear. Define what you view as Critical, Warning, or Good by applying a percentage and choosing a color from the dropdown menu. The health of a project is calculated based on the percentage of issues in the project's defined columns (i.e., COGS, ASP, Milestone date etc.). For example, if you added 10 columns and 6 of them have issues, then it will be considered as 60% issues.
Blank Data Check
The blank data check is an additional check other than the conditions mentioned under the Conditional Format for a specific entry. For example, if one of the data columns have missing or blank data, then it will be flagged as an issue.
Defining Values
Condition: click on the dropdown icon and select a value from the dropdown
Value: Based on the type of column and condition selected, you can enter a text, numeric value, or date. Numeric values can be positive or negative. For example, you may enter a negative numeric for past dates, such as COGS Last Revision Date or Milestone Last Revision Date.
For example, let us assume your project was last revised on March 3, 2021. Further, let us assume in the Configure Data Quality Dashboard screen you select COGS Last Revision Date as your column, you choose Not Within Next (days) as your Conditional Format, you choose -30 as your Conditional Value, and your selected Highlight Color is red. Now if you go back to your Data Quality Dashboard report, the box in the COGS Last Revision Date column of a specific project row with the last revision date from March 3, 2021, will be highlighted in red as today is i.e., September 15, 2021.
Reporting Stage Filter: click on the dropdown icon and select one or multiple values from the dropdown, then click Update. The previous selected conditional format and conditional value will only apply to projects where reporting stages is within the selected stages.
Highlight Color: click and select a color of your choice.
Hover Text: write the text of your choice. This text will be visible when an issue is flagged and you hover over a box in the Data Quality Dashboard report.