
This help article describes the Reporting Stage screen of the Overview Project Info Tab.


Reporting Stage

The reporting stage tab shows you the lifecycle of a project with its various project stages and milestones. As an admin, you can initially configure and rename the reporting stages (see this article). Afterwards the reporting stages are automatically generated based on the initial set up. The reporting stage screen is a read-only screen. It applies the information from Project Management > Milestones. 

For example, the reporting stage screen below shows a red bar next to the milestone pipeline, as this milestone has not been completed yet. However, if you go to the milestone screen, start a new revision, and change the milestone's completion percentage to 100%, the bar in the reporting stage screen will turn green.  

The official reporting stage dropdown, on the right side of the reporting stage screen, is another option to present the stages differently, and in an independent manner from the reporting stages.  

The official reporting stage options can be manually edited by an admin (see this article) in Settings > Manage Lookups. It is up you to check or uncheck the official reporting stage (see below) and use or apply this option.

Difference between Calculated and Official Reporting Stage

The Calculated Reporting Stage is auto-calculated. It is connected to/dependent on the completion of a linked milestone. For example, let's say the milestone Site Control is linked to the Reporting Stage Pipeline. Once the milestone Site Control is complete (100%), Atlas recalculates the project's reporting stage and promotes it to the Pipeline stage.


The Official Reporting Stage, however is controlled manually. You can manually select the reporting stage of the project and save it. It is not dependent to, or on milestones. The list can be updated via the Admin screen called Manage Lookup. It is possible to turn off the calculated reporting stage in the Admin screen called Configure Reporting Stage, if one does not want to work with it.